Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Final Post!

Well, this is it.  The last week of our term.  Some of us have to take a final exam in our classes and some don't.  This class, thankfully we don't!  :)  I feel very good about my paper.  I had three people review it for me.  My only concern is whether I revised it enough.  Otherwise I'm feeling pretty good.

Thankful this term is at its end.  I need a break.  There is a lot of "outside" stuff going on that I need to get caught up on.  I've thought about taking on another class, but I am not seeing where I will have the time.  I'm already consumed by two classes and life so adding a third class would be to difficult.

It's been a pleasure getting to know many of you in class and on the blogs.  I thank our Professor for her help and smarts.  She really made this class go by smoothly!  :)

Take care and best of luck to all!

Misty Prestwood

Friday, February 11, 2011

It's all over and done with!

I am so done with all this writing!  I am tired of writing papers and researching.  I have some finishing touches to do, and my final paper will be done.  I am thankful this class is almost over; however, I do believe that it has helped me become a better writer.  Especially with regards to APA format.  It still irks me that not everyone uses it, but hey, who am I to point it out!  :)  I am also thankful to have had such a great professor.  I truly does matter who you get for a professor and how you get along in class with them.  Professor Feraldi was excellent!!

This will be the last writing class I will have.  I have two more medical type classes and then on to transcription/typing training.  I don't think I'll have any issues there since I already type rather fast and without many errors if any.  Here's hoping!  :)

I wish all class members the very best of luck in their pursuit of a degree and a better future!  Remember to always reach for the stars!!


Misty Prestwood

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Week 8 blog post:

I do not believe that I will continue this blog once class is over.  I truly have not seen the point in it, especially since not too many people post on it in the first place.  This feels almost like a journal, of which I can not keep one on paper, so I doubt I'd be able to keep on online.  After working all day on the computer (work & school) I am sick of the computer.  I do at time go to FB and play some card games to unwind, but at the end of it all I am sick of looking at the screen and typing on the keys!

After reading my paper review, I am very please with what was said.  One class member in particular helped out immensely.  You know who you are!  :)  I am bothered by having to write two papers for week 9 and am feeling the overwhelm monster lurking around!  LOL  Once I have them written I won't feel so pressured.  All in all I have had a good term.  I feel that I have learned a lot of information; however, I struggle to see how I will use some of it in the end.  In the medical transcription field, I don't know how a lot of the info will help me, but alas, I am not Kaplan and I do not know everything, hence my being a student!  :)

Happy writing all.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Shocking finds!

While writing my rough draft, I found several interesting finds.  One, is that your past can be a cause of Parkinson's disease.  To elaborate further, if, in your past, you for instance drank a lot, took many drugs whether prescribed or not and lead an otherwise unhealthy lifestyle, you could develop PD.  Also, while it is not genetic, you may consider that if you mother carried on a not so good lifestyle and you followed in her tracks, you may develop it as well.

Depression is caused from many things including abuse, neglect, and stress.  People who harbor thoughts and feelings can create a depressive state of mind.  Depression is a chemical imbalance that can be from the lack of serotonin, dopamine, norephorephrine.  I am trying to find the link between putting yourself in a depressive state, and whether or not you can determine if you will be a depressed person or not.

Thoughts to ponder!  This paper on Depression and Parkinson's disease has opened my eyes to a lot of new information.

Happy writing!  :)

~Misty Prestwood

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Go Pack Go!

So over the past six weeks, life has happened.  Work, play, school, and football.  Other than trying to get school done as quickly as I can at the beginning of the week, football beats out most everything else right now!  I've been Facebooking different bashing posts regarding the other teams....usual fun.  My husband has been a Packer fan since he was a child, so it was an obvious reaction to become a Packer fan as well!  :)  (I must state however, I am not an Aaron Rogers fan.  I think he's a ...........)  :o

I've been working, at work that is, as well.  Rent increases are transpiring right now, so that is a headache in itself.  My family is anxiously awaiting the Packer game this Sunday at 2p.m.

That's all for now.  :)


Friday, January 14, 2011

School & Life

School has been a major influence on my life.  My husband and I are both students and find that most of our "family" time is consumed by studying or discussion board posting.  We also are homeschooling our daughter, so 80% of our time is spent on school.

Just last night I said to my husband, "when am I going to be able to get back to my needle point and puzzle games."  I have my weekends, but by the time I get to my weekend I am tired from the week or work and school.  I guess I will just have to wait it out and enjoy my "other thing" once school is done.  At least I get to play bean bags on Tuesday nights.  I'm supposed to play volleyball this summer, but seminar falls on Wednesday nights.  I work during the day so I can not take a day time I'll have to figure out a different schedule for seminars, or not play volleyball.  Decisions, decisions.

It will all work out in the end, I presume.  :)


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Proper citation

I believe it to be very important to give credit where credit is due.  Plagiarism is a serious problem, and some don't even realize they're doing it.  Everyone should be taught the correct ways to cite their references.  I would have to assume that if you gave an idea, someone else took that idea to your boss and said they come up with it, you'd be rather irked with that person, right?  So why would you do the same to someone else, such as an author?  What if you quote someone, but don't properly state who you got the information from, only to find later that the information was wrong, then what?  If you'd properly cited the information you had, you would not be taking the blame for incorrect information!  It wouldn't look very good for your defense to blame someone after the fact.

My husband and I have managed several properties over the years and have found our ideas being taken and claimed as others, all the time.  It really ticks us off when this happens, but really, what proof did we have to say it was ours in the first place?

You also must be certain that you are not typing word for word from our text books.  It is better to read the information and then write what your just read in your own words, then cite it correctly with a reference.  I hate to say this, but all too often I read discussion posts that seem (or are) word for word from our books.  This is very wrong, and upsetting.  It is so simple to paraphrase and cite/reference, we all just need to take the time to do so.  :)

Happy writing class!!
